Sunday, September 04, 2005

Busty cops deployed to assist in disaster

Don't believe the hype.
I don't think busty cops and erotic cakes are going to help as much as we've been told by our government.

Plus..."Assist in disaster"?
Is that really the way that should read?
They might be making things WORSE on purpose!
Such are the nuances of the written language.

Anti-hurricane vests and balms unproven

Clearly hurricane prevention technology is still in it's infancy. I think when it's a mature and proven technology we should roll it out and help these people. Sure it's too late now but I can only imagine that they'd appreciate the gesture in lieu of any other kind of support.
Hey, what could it hurt?

Things I'm glad aren't in my general area...
25 feet of water
Snakes (see
Armed gunmen
135 mile-per-hour winds

It's gotta suck I should imagine.

I think I'll give someone who handles this sort of thing some money.
Wait, isn't the government supposed to help people in some way?
Guess not.