Saturday, March 31, 2007

Spring Haiku

Ouchy explosions
Like spring itself, and flowers
Bring the hope of change

A Haiku for Dick Cheney

Software conference

They were looking for a name which reflected the breadth and elegance of the software the programmers were foisting off on us.

I suggested "Experimental Retarded Zombie".

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Reception dinner

Selections from Faith Middleton and Jacques Pepin

Your choice of:

Coelocanth with Roasted Fairfield County Panther in a Strawberry Mobil 1 Reduction

Set Screws with Nozzle Gimbal Profiles in a Goldfinger Joint Compound Demiglaze

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Families are reading this?!

Yes, I will prove my marriage by going on a boat.
This boat will visit places in May that are more advanced than anything currently available in the waters of New England.

Orbital maneuvering will commence thusly...
New York -> Bermuda -> St. Thomas -> St. Maarten -> San Juan -> New York

At some point before then I will receive federal passport papers and also get married. Sometime in September there will be family celebrations. The families are likely reading this blog now so I'll keep this next part quiet.

(how am I going to explain that my mom is made out of anti-matter?)

Friends also will be selected at random over the coming months to join in a celebration.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

You gotta be 10% smarter than the equipment you're running

Redneck Kentucky and the Next Generation Chickens

"It's simple: the Chickens are hatching an evil plot as we speak, they walk around the yard, dig in the dirt, they seem to do nothing but their eyes are just too slicky. You sometimes get hit on the head with a heavy thing but they always pretend it's not them."