Wednesday, June 29, 2005

War of the Worlds

The aliens stomp humanity thoroughly. It's extremely realistic looking. The characters are cliches but so tolerable compared to Lucas.
We really get our asses kicked, did I mention that?
That's gotta be worth something.
No one is going to like this because it has no glorious ending just a simple dead end like the book. No apologies...The End, boom, go home.
Mercilessly scary and dark.
I love it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Order of the Day

2.25 inch scraper
Sanding (60-grit orbital)
Skim coating
Corn Nuts (Original flavor)
Seltzer water
Terry Gilliam's "Brazil" motion picture soundtrack
Air conditioning

I smell like goats.
Used goats.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Saturday, June 18, 2005

You've never even ridden in a horse.

I hate horses.
They are like giant, insane cows.
Where did our romantic attachment for these monsters come from?
Just because it's stupid enough to let you ride it, doesn't mean it loves you or understands anything. They're herd animals that grew too tall.
I know you're thinking "But they're so smart and beautiful and powerful. And plus, you've never even ridden one."
You're right. That's because 50% of the people I know who ride them have been seriously injured at some point.
They step on you.
They kick you.
They bite you.
They throw you.
You fall off them.
They fall on you.
They get 'spooked' by a 'sound' or some other cosmic distrubance like a blade of grass or someone farting on a distant planet and then they go insane and crush you up against a wall.
You hit your head on something because the horse is so smart it can't figure out that you require more clearance than it does. Also, it's so compassionate and loving it comes back to make sure you're OK. Oh, that actually never happens.
They sweat foam.
They foam at the mouth.
They have bowel movements the size of full 35 gallon trash bags.
They urinate a minimum of 3 gallons at a time.
They cost a fortune to maintain.

So they're beautiful? In what way?
They're gangly, fragile, moody, stinky tall cows.
Have you ever seen a tiger, a hummmingbird, or a manta ray?
Now look at a horse. Be serious, don't waste my time.

They're powerful?
Sure, they're stronger than us (they are also bigger so that really isn't a miracle) but their stupidity and poor design make them useless half the time because they break some part of their body and are injured or have to be killed. Or better yet, they live on for years like huge convalescent rump roasts using up space and money.
Power without control. Oh, that's right, they have such subtle and complete control they manage sometimes to jump over small objects with a rider on their back. Only sometimes do they fall, killing the rider and possibly themselves. Wow, they jump over objects half their height. Oh wait, even a bush pig or a human can do that.

They're smart?!
No. They aren't. Let's not confuse insanity with complexity. Just because they react in random, often hazardous, ways to the slightest input doesn't make them smart. That means they're inbred freaks that we created so we could hitch a ride. They're batshit crazy and haven't even the intelligence of a chihuahua. Do they catch frisbees? Can they speak in sign language? You'd be lucky if you can teach them to sit down or even stop running when you want them to. Wait, after years of training they can be taught to prance. You want smart? Go ask a chimpanzee what it thinks of your horse. It'll sign back "Horses stupid animals. Smelly. Hurt Bobo. Bite Bobo. Where kitty?"

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Batman: The Horse

Thinking it was an 'impossible odds' story about a horse with no legs and an alcoholic 5-year old girl jockey, I was persuaded to see a film I was assured was titled "Batman: The Horse". It was, however, "Batman Begins" - which did have a horse in it. It was just fine. I recommend it.

Friday, June 10, 2005

And plus too...

I'm overweight.
I HAVE to diet.
Well, I may not have medical coverage or a place to live soon. I sure as hell can't find a job. But I will have substancial reserves of moderately toxin infused body fat to live off of.
Also, Democrats are idiots.
So is George Lucas.
What was I thinking?

I'm not going to help anymore

That's it.
America gets what it wants.
Best of luck assh0les.
What we need is another 8 terms of republican presidents and then I can just die knowing that things are going to go in a predictable direction.
I'm tired of holding out hope for America and it's 'potential'.
Let's face it we're a bunch of goddamn idiots, we have only the capacity to decline.
We have no long- or short-term plan of any kind that I'm aware of. It's impossible for us to engage in civil engineering of any scale greater than 5 years because those in power will not benefit from the eventual positive result.
We cling to superstition in the face of overwhelming, measurable reality.
Astronomy? The Pope? Oh yeah, he represents the invisible man in the sky. I forgot.
The class divide seems to be widening to me.
How many people do you know who are in economic decline? How many are ascending?
Civil war? Totalitarianism? Mass indentured servitude? Never ending war? Plague? I can't imagine a positive outcome for this place any longer.
How can anyone who isn't self-deceiving pretend that soon we will have an improved society in which an educated electorate brings about rapid change in free elections when it's clear that the winner will always be the guy who simply looks more presidential? Defined here as a new universal constant embodied by Martin Sheen.
When will we pass an amendment stating that medical treatment, housing, food, water, and a free chance at education and betterment are assured to all.
When will we extract from the wealthy the dues they evade and yet are still permitted to leach off the society?
Now that is a rant.
Can anyone present a compelling rationale for improvement of any kind?

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Qualified ceiling painter sought

I am covered with white specks.
The floor is covered in white specks.
The white specks stick to my sweaty skin.
The specks get in my eyes.

Never try to texture paint a ceiling and never try to remove it.
Just get someone to demolish your house.