Wednesday, May 16, 2007

From the Atlantic Ocean

As I sit here on the beautiful beach in St. Maarten it occurs to me that zombies really are much better than vampires.
Vampires are like "theater people".
Spending all their time getting snappy leather and latex outfits, expensive sunglasses and novelty contact lenses. Hanging out in sexy rave clubs.
All about presentation.
Zombies, not so much with the presentation, are all work.
They don't care if they're cool or sexy, they're just here to do a people.
We're like cafeteria food. We aren't that tasty, they don't really even enjoy us but we fill them up.

And, oh yeah, the "Head Vampire" thing.
Kill him/her and it's all over?!

This is clearly no way to run a railroad.

Vacations DO bring clarity to everyday life.

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