Wednesday, January 26, 2005

5.1 sounds nice

I finally hootched up my additional speakers for my little home theater.
Added a center and two rear little cube dealies.
No sound in the center, why? :-(
I then bothered to figure out that my PC was only putting out left and right. I enabled the SPDIF 5 channel digital output and yikes!
Now I can hear the dialog.
That's the word sounds...
...that come from the beige and brown animals.
I wonder what they're saying?
Not much fur on those critters.
Gotta get cold for them out in this snow.
More snow, fluffy and white.
Four more inches by early tonight. :-)
Where do I put it?
Maybe someone in hell would like it.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Blizzard of now

Snizow! 18 inches of snizow on the grizound!
Plus it's colder than a well-diggers chicken.
-0.5 degrees with 50 mile per hour winds, blowing snow 18 inches deep!
That's Connecticut flava!
Also, Charles Nelson Reilly is from here...

He was on Match Game.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

No degrees

There's no more 'F's in this here thermometer.

Actually, it's -0.5F.

Try this experiment:
Pour a glass of water.
Place it in the refridgerator for 1/2 hour.
Take the glass outside into the middle of a large hard surface, such as a parking lot.
Throw the water straight up into the air as hard as you can.
By the time it reaches the ground you will be an ice cold idiot.


Speed demon

You're matching my speed exactly and giving me the stinkeye, so apparently you want to race on the interstate. (?!)
However, you're driving a lowered American performance sedan with your kids STUFFED ANIMALS on the rear deck.
Look back there "G".

Yes, your ride is "turbo".
I would go so far as to admit that it is "money".
"I have been have properly served", I think, as you finally blast away down the right lane.
My departing thought will, however, be this...
Are those YOUR dollies?

Make sure to check that sh*t before you leave the house. It's silly.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Wrestling the president

Winning the war on...BAM!...Headlock!
So the election was an endorsement of our current invasion policy?
It's probably illegal to visualize, in great detail, putting the president in a Full Nelson?
Steve? Pile Driver?

There's no 'U' in winning

In dramatic contradiction to their research on viruses and bacteria as sources of mortality, the CDC announced today that the film Elektra, starring Jennifer Garner, is the cause of almost all death in humans and large mammals. Edwin Moinst, spokesman for the CDC, announced at a press conference today that "We are still certain that some fatalities have been attributable to disease and infection but, apparently, we've been missing the big picture. Also, we know that tidal waves have killed some people."

Monday, January 10, 2005

Scrabble moving in the east...also Mordor

I am amassing a great army of braincells that specialize in Scrabble.
Otherwise useless to me, these 'thinking cells' have proven useful in the defeat of my computer on several occasions. Soon I hope to use them against the humans.
I have recently purchased books to provide these cells with increased...umm...goodness.
All of this has come at not the loss of other facilities where I used my brain was previously.
Certainly not the writing nor spoken-ing, also not memory or color seeing.
Sam Douglass of California will be among the first to face my awesome forces.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Coddled and soluble lozenges for actual somebody

You heard me, coddled and soluble lozenges for actual somebody.
This must be part of the new laser SETI I've heard about.
These junk email message titles are amazing.
Why would I read a message with such a title? Is there advertising research that indicates I might me seduced in this fashion?

"The high-debt/34-39/white/suburban/male demo is all up into coddled and soluble lozenges."

"Don't you mean soluable, with an A?"

"No, stay with me...soluble. Something that can be solubbed?
Like, up your you-know-what. *wink* See?"

"No. are they coddled?"

"Not literally! It's a metaphor...or an acronym. It makes sense."

"I'm completely on board with it being for an actual somebody."

Perhaps SETI should be sending messages instead of receiving. "Send help." might be a good start.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Show snovelling

Once again the snow comes.
It wasn't white this time but a sort of cyan color.
I suspect my friend Steve may be dumping toner on my property.
It makes good snowmen though.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Constant sorrow

Has anyone EVER been to Alabama or Kentucky?
I've never heard of anyone.
They are on maps.

Oh, Democratic party, don't forget to get a candidate next time that is from the south.
That way he'll get enough of the vote in "God, Guns, and Gays" states to flip the election.
See how that works?
Make sure he twangs.