Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Speed demon

You're matching my speed exactly and giving me the stinkeye, so apparently you want to race on the interstate. (?!)
However, you're driving a lowered American performance sedan with your kids STUFFED ANIMALS on the rear deck.
Look back there "G".

Yes, your ride is "turbo".
I would go so far as to admit that it is "money".
"I have been have properly served", I think, as you finally blast away down the right lane.
My departing thought will, however, be this...
Are those YOUR dollies?

Make sure to check that sh*t before you leave the house. It's silly.

1 comment:

noisyparker said...

He may be all too aware that they are there, and that may be a one of the issues he is trying to resolve through driving therapy. ;-)

Was it a performance sedan like this? (scroll down to the 2nd pic)