I would like to announce the creation of a new domain...
I have found that when dealing with companies, many of their ideas and products are tired and lame. They are, none the less, very excited about them.
"Boy, I can't wait to roll out that 3D visualization of our tradeshow booth display for those hinges we make!"
"Yeah, that'll be great.(?) We'll be able to see, in full 3D animation, a tradeshow booth that you will use to promote the possible sale of hinges."
I'm hoping that this new domain, although lacking a website, will help express the longing of the common man to be involved with something...someday...that is actually important.
"Hey guys! Let's expand the Bill of Rights to include shelter, food, water, transportation, education, and medical care as state-provided basic rights.
Oh yeah, and let's mandate child-rearing prerequisites and training."
Something like that.
My enthusiasm for previsualization of dog food sales displays is waning.