Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Greeks! The Greeks! The Greeks are on fire!

Jesus, good thing they're surrounded by water.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Not much of a choice

So I'm in the men's room the other day and I hear this guy and his toddler son come in. I'm dreading this because there's always that exchange of detailed information on exactly what's going to happen and step-by-step directions as it's all going down.
To my surprise though, the first thing the dad says to his kid is
"Do you have to go cocky-doody or poopy-caca?"

I ask you, first, what kind of choice is that?
Is this guy paying attention or is this like his 7th son and he's just going through a pre-recorded mental routine?
Is this a test for the kid?
Maybe the kid is actually a robot.
If the kid was a robot I imagine his head would be spinning and shooting sparks and smoke.

Anyway, true story.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan and King Ghidorah in
"Destroy All Monsters the Musical!"

Ponderous dance numbers and lavish set pieces combine with classic mid-century Japanese Kaiju costumes, special effects and voice dubbing in this Tony Award-winning Broadway smash.

Clive Barnes of the New York Post raves "A SENSATION! Just sit back and let the joy sweep over you."

Next week it's Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Zombies!"
Two star-crossed zombies fall in love, featuring the songs "Go For The Head!" and "Soft Flesh, Rotting Teeth".

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Invasion

Critics can bite my ass, I thought it was great.
Stardust is great (74%) but The Invasion sucks (20%)?

Star Destroyer

What ever happened to these things?
We spent all that money building them and what did we ever really do with them?
Huge, mile long spaceships with a crew of over 37,000 (4,520 officers; 32,565 enlisted)
and we picked up like one small cruiser and chased this little smuggling ship once.
What a fucking waste of money.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Spaceships over New England

The space shuttle Endeavour and International Space Station are flying over this Sunday night at about 9:00.
I put up a whole page here on how to find them. Click away.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I've built a new tool for the arsenal of democracy.
Behold, the Hammer Gun!
A gun that shoot hammers, and then the hammers shoot nails!
Live free or die motherfuckers!

Monday, August 13, 2007


I was not aware that the EULA (End-User License Agreement) for Microsoft Windows Vista Home upgrade mandated that I fall down 30 consecutive flights of stairs in order to retrieve my unique user authenticity code. On further inspection I was also surprised to read that Vista was, in fact, the cause of my complete night-blindness and painful ingrown fingertips. I am so happy with the improved end-user experience however that I have chosen to color-in 100% of my body's surface with a black Sharpie permanent marker and have started calling myself Microsoft's Truly Amazing All-Black Man.
Thank you.

Inability to Follow Simple Instructions

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Big babies

So Russia accidentally dumps a missile in a field in Georgia.
Georgia says this is "an act of war"?!
I think if Russia wanted to start a war you'd know it - REALLY know it, wowch!

Monday, August 06, 2007

3 pills, once daily

Well, one thing is for certain,
more prescription drugs are not going to make finishing the drywall any easier.
Okay...maybe a LOT of drugs would.
Or the right kind.
Anyway, it's not getting finished right now.
I know that.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Minor correction on the last post.
That clearly is NOT my backyard.
Isn't it super-cute though?

Hedgehog in my back yard

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Funnyman Patton Oswalt

Is funny.
I hope he doesn't stop doing stand-up now that he's a famous computer animated blue rat.
I bought two of his albums on iTunes and laughed until I was soaked in my own tears and drool.

Is that Dutch?

Lunchtime in August.
I drowsily gnaw on my hamburger and look in my rear-view mirror to see a truck bearing this label...

Jam Sloot?
What the hell is Jam Sloot?
True story.