Friday, November 16, 2007

I want a nuke!

Hey! Government and companies! Listen up you dickheads!
Put a nuke right in my damn backyard and give me a 2-passenger electric car that has a 150 mile range. You could also use the massive tidal power in Long Island Sound but I know that's just too weird so screw it, I'm 40 now and I don't have time to fuck around.
And hey, if the nuke gets out of control just let me know and I'll get the fuck out.
It's probably covered by my insurance anyway and that house is getting fucking OLD.
Let's rock some 'too cheap to meter' electrons in this motherfucker like they said we'd get in the 60s! We can use the juice to shoot down any incoming missiles and fucking withdraw from everywhere.
Oh yeah, and go bury that radioactive waste some other damn place, like out in the desert there. We're never going to stop making warheads anyway, so as long as there's gonna be a big nuke dump we might as well get some cheap electricity out of it.

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