Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I aren't getting enough oxygen for my brains and cells

My sleep study lady calls me up and says I stopped breathing 25 times an hour during my study and my blood oxygen dropped from 95-100 down to 83. For perspective, 85-90 is what you get with serious emphysema. 60 is what you get shortly after you've died!
Turns out that if you have sleep apnea the worst thing to do is take a central nervous system suppressor. Apnea means either my brain is not sending the 'breathe' impulse properly or my fat body is not responding - probably both in my case. Add to that a CNS drug like, oh, say Clonazepam.. or Sertraline.. or Amitryptiline - and you're going to be one drowsy fucking corpse. I take all three of those pills just to be sure I'm nice and calm so I can sleep properly. Follow that? Probably not. See, then I don't breathe and then I can't really sleep and don't get any oxygen so I'm sleepy all the fucking time and extra fatigued and I can't remember anything and I always take my pills before bedtime but the the...
So I'll go back to the sleep folks and try out a nice breathing apparatus for a night - it'll be like sleeping in scuba gear, that should be a challenge.
So, in review, the answer to "Are you getting enough oxygen?" is no.

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